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MachineryManual strapping

They are an excellent option for a fast and simple strapping since they are very practical and easy to use tools; due to a system of tension roller and binding clips.

This type of strapping machine has a break and a stretcher to tension the strap, depending on the product to be packed. Once the strap is tensioned, it is only necessary to put the metal seal and operate the seal that contains the machine, this will allow cutting excess strip in order to optimize the use of the strap.

  • It allows completing the work of securing a load quickly and efficiently
  • It provides security to companies that do not suffer economic losses when having to pay damaged goods
  • They can use different types of strapping depending on the types of packages

  • Lightweight
  • Easy to use
  • Tension, sealing and cutting off the custom strap
  • Can be used with PP and PET strapping

  • Help reinforce the packaging

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